Pre-school education

In Loimaa, pre-primary education is mainly provided in daycare centres, and both municipal and private daycare centres are available. Pre-school education can also be provided in conjunction with basic education, in which case the pre-school education groups operate in connection with the school.

Enrolment for pre-primary education is done electronically in the early childhood education application at the beginning of the year. Decisions on pre-school places are communicated to parents by the beginning of June at the latest.

A pre-school learning plan is drawn up for each child attending pre-primary education, which takes into account the child’s individual objectives during the pre-primary year. The plan is drawn up in cooperation with the child’s guardian.

Pre-school education is free of charge, but a fee is charged for the time spent in early childhood education. The fee is based on the family’s income and the length of time the child is in care. Teaching, teaching materials, equipment and meals are free of charge.

There are four hours of pre-school education per day care centre between 8.00- 13.00.

The menus for early childhood education and schools (breakfast, lunch and snacks) can be found on the food and cleaning services website.

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) is about supporting the development and learning of pre-school children. Find out more about early childhood education and care.

Early Childhood Education Service Guidance

Advice on the application procedure, information on early childhood education and care facilities.
e-mail: vkpalveluohjaus(at)
tel: Mrs. Nummila Miia +358 40 541 3996 or Mrs. Kaskiluoto Ulla +358 50 337 9318.

Early childhood education instructor’s telephone time Mon and Tue 9-11, Thu 13-16. At other times, contact us by e-mail or leave a message on the answering machine.