Billing and payment

NOTE! The City of Loimaa will not accept paper invoices from 1.1.2023.

City of Loimaa (business ID 1927453-8)
Loimaan Vesi (business ID 1927453-8-001)

Online billing

The City of Loimaa receives invoices electronically, which makes the processing of purchase invoices faster and more efficient, more ecological and brings savings. We hope that invoices will be sent electronically as a matter of priority.

City of Loimaan
Verkkolaskutusosoite: 003719274538
Broker ID: 003703575029

Loimaan Water
Verkkolaskuosoite: 003719274538001
Broker ID: 003703575029

The e-invoicing operator is CGI Finland Oy.

Supplier portal

The City of Loimaa offers a free web-based supplier portal for business and personal suppliers who cannot submit invoices electronically.

The Supplier Portal is an electronic invoicing channel through which suppliers invoicing the City of Loimaa can submit their invoices electronically.

A request for access to the Supplier Portal can be sent to

In the same context, the name, business ID and contact person of the company and the e-mail address to which the company’s access rights will be sent must be provided.

For personal customers, please provide your name and email address.

You will then receive a username and password to the email address you provided from

Supplier portal user manual (in Finnish)

Quick guide

Supplier Portal link URL

Invoices must be marked with unique identifiers:

  • the recipient of the invoice is the City of Loimaa
  • name of the unit (branch, service area, school, kindergarten, etc.)
  • Subscriber’s note (First name Last name)
  • order or contract number, if any

Translated VAT

The City of Loimaa sells construction services to parties outside the city in a manner referred to in Section 8c § 1 of the VAT Act other than occasionally. The City of Loimaa thus has a so-called “purchaser status”, which means that the purchases of construction services by the City of Loimaa and Loimaa Vesi are subject to reverse charge. Therefore, the City and Loimaa Vesi must receive a VAT-exempt purchase invoice for all construction services purchased. The city pays the VAT on the sale on behalf of the seller.

Invoices sent by the city

It is possible to receive all sales invoices from the City of Loimaa as e-invoices. The e-invoice agreement with the City of Loimaa is made through the customer’s online bank.

Businesses can receive their invoices online by sending an email with their e-invoice address to:

Recovery issues

Sarastia Kuntaperintä Oy is responsible for the collection services of the City of Loimaa.