Declarations of interests

Pursuant to Section 84 of the Local Government Act (410/2015), certain trusted persons and officials of the municipality must declare their interests to the Municipal Audit Committee, which monitors compliance with the obligation to declare and brings the declarations to the attention of the Council. These declarations are published on the public information network. This provision will apply from 1 June 2017. The declaration of interests disclosure must be made within two months of the person’s election.

The purpose of the regulation on declarations of interest is to promote openness and transparency in municipal decision-making.

The following persons are subject to the obligation to notify:

  • Members and deputy members of the City Executive Board
  • Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the City Council
  • Chairmen and vice-chairmen of boards and committees
  • Members and deputy members of the body responsible for the tasks referred to in the Land Use and Building Act

The officials who must be notified are:

  • Municipal Manager
  • City Executive Board rapporteur
  • Rapporteurs for boards and committees

A declaration of interests must be submitted for the management positions of a person of trust or official, as well as for positions of trust in companies and other entities engaged in business activities. In addition, a declaration must be submitted for significant assets and other interests that may be relevant to the exercise of a position of trust or office. The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities has published guidelines on declarations of interests and the register.

The declarations of interest of the City of Loimaa in accordance with § 84 of the Municipal Act (410/2015) can be found in the link below.