The Municipal Disability Council is a forum for cooperation between disability associations, authorities and decision-makers. Its role is to influence municipal planning, decision-making and monitoring in all areas of government. The Disability Council can take initiatives and issue statements and opinions. The aim is to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are realised.

People with disabilities, their relatives and organisations must have adequate representation on the Disability Council. The aim is to ensure that the disability perspective is taken into account when decisions are prepared and taken.

The Disability Council is involved in planning and decision-making in all areas of government. Good cooperation between the municipality and the Disability Council is mutually beneficial. It is important that representatives of the different administrative sectors are represented or, if necessary, invited to participate in the Disability Council. In this way, the Disability Council’s expertise can be channelled to support all decision-making in the municipality concerning people with disabilities.

In good cooperation, information flows seamlessly in both directions: the Disability Council itself actively brings to light any shortcomings it has identified. Municipal institutions, on the other hand, can make use of the Council’s expertise.

Loimaa City Council for the Disabled 2021-2024

Chairman Oili Saarikko, tel. 050 548 8317, Loimaan seudun Omaishoitajat ja Läheiset
Vice-Chair Eeva Anttila, tel. 0440 860 426, Lounais-Suomen Lihastautiyhdistys
Member Kerttu Dahlström, tel. 040 503 3430, Varsinais-Suomen Näkövammaiset, Loimaan alajaosto
Member Sirkka Lindell, Loimaan Seudun Huonokuuloisten yhdistys
Member Aatos Julku, tel. 050 358 4235, Turun Seudun Hengitysyhdistys, Loimaan Silmu
Member Marja-Liisa Järvinen, tel. 0500 516 672, Loimaan Seudun Mielenterveysyhdistys Savikki
Member Eila Nummila, tel. 050 386 1478, Loimaan Neurokerho
Secretary Outi Friberg