
The procurement of the City of Loimaa complies with the tendering legislation and the City’s own procurement guidelines. As a rule, each institution prepares its own procurement.

The City of Loimaa is involved in the Turku Region Procurement Cooperation, in which the Turku Procurement and Logistics Centre tenders for goods and services in certain product groups. Procurement with the sub-regional authorities can be found in the sub-regional procurement tendering calendar.

The City of Loimaa has an electronic tendering system where companies can consult our calls for tenders and submit offers. The electronic tendering system is used to advertise all the city’s procurements.

In addition, all procurements above the national threshold and above the EU threshold can also be found on

City of Loimaa purchase invoice data for 2021-2023

At its meeting on 25 April 2022, the City Council decided to publish its purchase invoices annually. The opening of the purchase invoice account is voluntary for the city, i.e. there is no legal obligation to do so. However, it is useful and contributes to the transparency of the city and strengthens democracy. In addition, opening up the purchase invoice data has many effects on the positive image of the city. From the citizen’s point of view, it increases cost awareness.

The purchase invoice database includes all the city’s service sectors and the water utility. The content of the city’s purchase invoice database has been updated to comply with the guidelines for opening a purchase invoice issued by the Association of Local Authorities (Kuntaliitto).

The City’s purchase invoice database can be accessed either by downloading the exel file from the link below or via the Handata service. To access the service, you need to log in, so please register as a user by creating a user ID. Registration is free of charge.

The data to be opened has been assessed for privacy risk together with the data protection officer of the City of Loimaa. The Data Protection Officer and the Finance Director have stated that the business name data from purchase invoices will not be processed as personal data for this purpose, but as company data.

For more information:

Mrs. Katja Mäkelä
Director of Finance
tel. 050 478 3020

Mr. Jari Suvila
Data Protection Officer
tel.050 527 2644