Applying for day care

Service management

The Early Childhood Education and Care Service provides information to families who need information about early childhood education and care places, as well as options for organising early childhood education and care for their child. The service counsellor also provides advice on the application procedure.

Contact: or by phone Ulla Kaskiluoto tel. 050 337 9318. Early Childhood Education Supervisor’s office hours are Mon and Tues 9-11 am, Thurs 13-16 pm.

E-services and search

Loimaa Early Childhood Education and Care uses the Daisy electronic assessment service package.

  • eDaisy isused to manage applications for early childhood education and care, as well as notifications of changes and terminations. It also informs parents of decisions on child placement and fees.
  • The DaisyFamily app is the daily contact channel for carers and early childhood education staff.

Application for an early childhood education place and change notifications

You can apply for childcare places throughout the year, depending on your needs, but at least 4 months before the start of the early childhood education and care period. If the need for ECEC is due to sudden employment or training, you must apply as soon as possible, but no later than 2 weeks before the need arises.

At the application stage, you can enter two preferences and apply for both day care and family day care in the same application. A separate application must be submitted for each child in the family.

Investment decisions will be visible in the eDaisy service. The decision will contain the contact details of the child’s future early childhood education and care centre. To access the service, you need strong authentication with either a bank account or a mobile certificate.

You can also report changes electronically, such as

  • a request for a transfer of an early childhood education and care place
  • changes to hourly limit selection
  • changes of address
  • notice of termination of an early childhood education place (notice of termination)
  • performance report

If you need advice on how to use the e-service, please contact the Early Childhood Education and Care Service Secretaries. If you are unable to complete the strong authentication required by the service, please contact the Early Childhood Education and Care Service Helpdesk.

The application can be saved as a draft before being sent. Even after sending, it is still possible to make changes yourself if the application has not been processed (the space is visible in the service). It is also possible to cancel the application. The electronic service is also available in English and Swedish.

An app for managing the day-to-day affairs of carers and staff

The DaisyFamily app is a daily communication channel between carers and early childhood education and care staff, where the following issues are reported:

  • making a reservation (Reservations must be submitted to the programme by 23.59 on Sunday of the previous week).
  • attendance and absence records
  • day-to-day communication: messaging and group-specific permission surveys,
    bulletin board, growth folder and Vasu
  • maintaining basic family information: information about the child, e.g. allergies, back-up applicants and general authorisations

You can log in to the app after your child’s early childhood education and care decision has been made. The service can be used both as an app and on a web browser.

The first time you log in to the application, you will be authenticated via, after which the guardian will be given a username, firstname.lastname. The password is created by the parent when the application is first used.

The application is then logged in with a username and password or by using strong authentication. Instructions for use are at the bottom of the login page of the application.

Download the app from the Android app store as DaisyFamily.

Coming to early childhood education is a big change in the life of the child and the whole family. It is important to discuss with the child what kind of change is involved. Agreeing on a visit together with an early childhood education location will help the child adapt to this change.

Investment decisions are displayed in eDaisy, where the contact information of the child’s future early childhood education unit can be found. Parents can then contact the unit and agree on visits before the actual start of early childhood education. The number of visits is agreed according to the needs of the child and the family.

Getting to know each other makes it easier for both the child and the family to get started. A smooth start provides a favourable starting point for the child’s enjoyment and cooperation between parents and staff.

The visit will discuss e.g.

on issues related to basic care

the child’s interests, strengths, development, character traits and home-rearing practices and values

Methods, objectives and practices of early childhood education

on the coordination of educational objectives and methods in home and early childhood education

the wishes of the child and parent

The early childhood education place will be terminated at eDaisy. Early childhood education places can be terminated at any time during the calendar month, but not retrospectively. Termination of the day care place terminates the early childhood education billing. You can also give feedback on early childhood education in connection with the dismissal.


If the family does not receive the granted early childhood education place, the supervisor who granted the place must be notified in writing as soon as possible. This must be done before the start date in the decision. If the seat is not cancelled, half of the monthly fee may be charged.

The most common holiday periods bring changes to the opening hours of early childhood education. In the autumn holiday week, Christmas time, winter holiday week and summer time, the early childhood education units combine their activities. Parents are informed in good time where early childhood education during the child’s holiday period will take place.

A sick child cannot be taken to a nursing home. Absence should be reported in the Daisy Family.

Young children suffer from a large number of infections, which not only cause unpleasant symptoms in children, but also pose a risk of infection to others. When a child falls ill, it is important to treat the child as well as possible with home care and see a doctor if necessary to prevent the spread of possible infections at the place of treatment.

A sick child must also always be guaranteed adequate convalescence after the illness. A child can be taken to a place of care after an illness, when he or she can participate in normal activities, including outdoor activities.

If the child becomes ill during the day, parents will be notified. If an accident occurs to the child during the day of treatment, the child’s parent is informed of what happened. Children in early childhood education are covered by accident insurance, which covers accidents at the place of care.

According to most collective agreements, the mother or father of a child is entitled to compensation during temporary child care leave in accordance with the provisions on sick pay.