School transport

If the transport conditions are met, the municipality will provide free school transport to the pre-primary or primary school designated as the pupil’s preferred school.

School transport is provided for the journey between home and school. Care, club or therapy transport is not covered and is neither provided nor reimbursed.

Paid school transport

On separate application, school transport may be provided at a charge for pupils who are not legally entitled to school transport, provided that there is room in the car and a route already exists. No separate transport or route will be provided.

Paid transport is paid for the place reserved, not for the journey.

The application period for paid transport for the school year 2024-2025 is from 6 February to 15 March 2024.

The application must be made separately each academic year and the decision will be taken for a maximum of one academic year. To complete the form, strong authentication with a mobile certificate or bank account is required.

Applications received outside the application deadline will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis during the semester.

More information

Transport planner/ teaching services Ylenius Maarit tel. +358 50 5947 743