Basic education in visual and theatre arts

Loimaa Fine Arts School Kulta and Theatre School LoiSTe

Basic education in the visual and theatre arts is a leisure-time, goal-oriented, curriculum-based, progressive education in the visual and theatre arts.

The Loimaa School of Fine Arts in Kulula and the Theatre School in LoiSTee offer basic art education according to the general curriculum.


  • You can start your studies between the ages of 7 and 11.
  • Students receive a certificate of completion of basic art education after completing the general syllabus and the thematic studies.
  • The teaching offers the opportunity for a long-term and versatile skill development activity under the guidance of teachers in the field.

Enrol as a student

The deadline for registration is August-September. Enrolment takes place
Loimaa Työväenopisto’s website or by phone to the Education Office on tel. 050 311 4691.

From 1.8.2024, it is possible to apply for a free student place in the basic education of visual arts and theatre arts organised by the Loimaa Workers’ School on the basis of financial and social criteria. The application must be submitted by 30.09.2024 at the latest.

From 1.8.24, the sister discounts will be extended to all basic arts education in Loimaa, i.e. music, dance and basic education in visual and theatre arts organised by the Workers’ Academy. The discount is 25% off the lower tuition fee. When applying for the sister discount, please contact the school office directly. You must apply for the discount and for a free place each year.

Below are the teachers of the School of Fine Arts and the School of Theatre for the academic year 2024-2025.

Please contact us if you have any further questions about the studies. Contact information in the sidebar.