
Library services

Library services are freely available to all. Loimaa City Library includes the main library and the local libraries in Alastaro, Hirvikoski and Mellilä.

Loimaa City Library is part of the Loisto libraries, which include Aura, Koski Tl, Marttila, Oripää and the libraries of Kyrö, Riihikoski and Ylänee in Pöytyä. The Loisto libraries share a common library system and an online library. The same library card can be used to borrow and reserve material from all Loisto libraries.

A transport service operates between the Loisto libraries. Items borrowed from Loisto libraries can be returned free of charge to all Loisto libraries.

Libraries’ contact details

Main Library

Kauppalankatu 17, 32200 Loimaa
02 761 1220

Alastaro Library

Vahvalantie 5, 32440 Alastaro
02 761 1226

Hirvikoski Library

Hirvikoskentie 225, 32210 Loimaa, Finland
02 761 1224

Mellilä Library

Sahantie 1, 32300 Mellilä
02 761 1229