Music and Dance School
The Loimaa Region Music College provides basic music and dance education according to a broad syllabus. The teaching creates the conditions for creative and versatile music and dance activities and prepares students for professional studies in the field.
Students whose municipality of residence is Loimaa, Aura, Koski tl, Oripää, Punkalaidun, Pöytyä and Ypäjä can study in the basic studies of the Music and Dance College. Residents of other municipalities can study in the open line courses on a self-financed basis.
It is also possible to study on an open course regardless of where you live or what your learning goals are.
Registration and application deadlines
Enrolment for the next academic year at the School of Music and Dance is always in the spring from April to May. Both are registered electronically via . The exact dates are announced on the city’s and the colleges’ websites and social media channels, as well as in Loimaan Lehtesi.
Application deadlines spring 2025
Registration for new students will open again next spring. To find out if there are any places available in the middle of the academic year, please contact the Rector of the college.
- Further enrolment in music school and music school:
- Enrolment of new students:
- Further enrolment at the Dance School:
- Registration of new dance students:
For more information about dance, contact dance teacher Paula Mantere,
Enrolment for music and dance studies
Welcome to study in the world of music and dance!
Tuition fees
There is a fee for studying at the Music and Dance School. Tuition fees from 1.8.2023. On the basis of financial and social criteria, places are allocated for the academic year on a free student basis, which must be applied for by 30 September by submitting a free student application.
From 1.8.24, the sister discounts will be extended to all basic arts education in Loimaa, i.e. music, dance and basic education in visual and theatre arts organised by the Workers’ Academy. The discount is 25% off the lower tuition fee. When applying for the sister discount, please contact the school office directly. You must apply for the discount and the free place each year.
The tuition fees of the Loimaan Region Music College are decided by the Loimaan City Board of Education.
Term and holidays 24-25
- Autumn semester 14.8-20.12.2024, Spring semester 07.01-23.05.2025
- Autumn holiday 14-18.10.2024, week 42
- Independence Day 6.12.2024, no tuition
- Winter holiday 17.-21.02.2025, week 8
- Easter 18.4.-21.04.2024, no lessons
- On May Day 01.05.2024, no tuition
Concerts and dance performances in autumn 2024
The Music and Dance School also organises concerts and dance shows open to all. The concerts and dance performances are performed by students from the Music and Dance School.
- Wed 20.11. at 19:00 Children’s Rights Day concert Heimolinna
Students and teachers of the college, Loimaa child singers, Loimaa entertainment choir, Loimaa orchestra will participate in the concert. - Wed 27.11. at 19:00 JÄTTIS orchestra concert in Heimolinna
The JÄTTIS orchestra is a joint project of the Loimaan Regional Music College. There are players from many different instrument groups and the orchestra plays a versatile repertoire. The concert features contemporary hits and old iconic songs. - Mon 2.12. at 18:30 Piano Aura event Taidetalo. Young pianists from Turku, Salo and Loimaa will perform. Salo and Turku are also tour locations.
- Mon 9.12. at 18:30 Taidetalo’s Christmas concert. Muscarians are also included.
- Tue 10.12 at 18.30 Heimolinna Christmas concert
- Thu 12.12. at 18:30 Classical song Christmas concert, Loimaa City church
- Tue 17.12. at 18:00 Dance Christmas show I Heimonlinna
- Thu 19.12. at 18:30 Guitarists’ Christmas carolers, Musiikkiopisto hall
Welcome to enjoy the music and watch the shows!
Basic art education is primarily art education intended for children and young people, given in free time in local art schools. The teaching is goal-oriented, tied to the national curriculum and given by professionals trained in the field.
Basic education in art gives the student a wide range of abilities to express himself and strengths to apply for professional and higher education in the art field. Teaching is divided into a general and a broad curriculum. The studies of the extensive curriculum include 1300 teaching hours and the general curriculum 500 teaching hours. More information on Oph’s website.
In Loimaa, it is possible to study a broad curriculum in music and dance at the Loimaa Music and Dance Academy, as well as general curriculum studies in fine arts at the Visual Arts School in Kulta and theater arts studies at Teatterikoulu LoiSTe, which operate under the auspices of the Workers’ College.