Dance School

The Loimaan Region Music College provides basic dance education according to a broad syllabus. Students can study satirical ballet, contemporary dance and ballet under the guidance of a professional teacher. Teaching is based on the dance school’s own curriculum, which is drawn up in accordance with national guidelines.

Basic dance education is goal-oriented and progressive. Dance skills are acquired through interesting exercises and the joy of learning. There is also room for initiative and individual dance expression.

The classes start with satuballet for 4-6 year olds and elementary ballet for 7 year olds. For older children and young people, there are basic and advanced ballet and contemporary dance courses.

Dance is a performing art, and at Christmas and spring there are dance performances by students from the college.

Registration and fees

For basic studies in fairy-tale, elementary ballet and dance, you can register electronically in the Eepos service, where open courses and studies are displayed.

New pupils are also admitted during the school year if there are places available.

There is a fee to study at the dance school and the tuition fee covers half a year of dance lessons. The tuition fee is based on the number of dance lessons a student takes each week.

Prices for dance lessons in the academic year 2024-25:
1 hour per week 135 €
2 hours per week 205 €
3 hours per week 270 €

On economic and social grounds, free places are granted for the academic year, for which applications must be submitted by 30 September.

From 1.8.24, the sister discounts will be extended to all basic arts education in Loimaa, i.e. music, dance and basic education in visual and theatre arts organised by the Workers’ Academy. The discount is 25% off the lower tuition fee. When applying for the sister discount, please contact the school office directly. You must apply for the discount and for a free place each year.

The tuition fees of the Loimaa Region Music and Dance College are decided by the Loimaa City Board of Education.

Reading order

The Dance School’s timetable for the academic year 2024 – 2025. Teaching will start on Monday 19.8.24 in the new premises of the City Hall, Ylistaronkatu 36, Loimaa.

16.45-17.30 Satubaletti (4-6 yrs.)
17.30-18.15 Ballet 2 (10-14 years)
18.15-19.00 Contemporary dance 1 (10-14 years)
19.00-20.15 Ballet 3 (12-15 years)

16.45-17.30 Ballet 1 (7-9 years)
17.30-18.30 Ballet 2 (10-14 years)
18.30-19.15 Ballet 3 (12-15 years)
19.15-20.15 Contemporary dance 2 (12-15 years)

Concerts and events

In addition to dance classes, dance shows are organised at Christmas and in the spring, where all students of the dance school can perform. Admission is free. You are welcome to attend the shows, which are open to all!

See the Music and Dance School homepage for upcoming shows.