Music School

At Loimaan Region Music College you can study according to the broad syllabus of basic music education.

The following instruments can be studied at the college:

  • accordion
  • strings: violin, viola, cello and double bass
  • wind instruments: flute, saxophone and trumpet
  • guitar and electric bass
  • percussion
  • vocals: pop-jazz or classical vocals
  • children’s choir
  • piano

A good way to start playing music is to join one of the college’s instrument clubs, where you can learn the basics of playing and get to know your own instrument. Musical activities are available for very young children, from 3 months to 6 years old.

In basic and advanced music studies, the curriculum is followed. In the Music School’s open course, students can freely adapt their studies according to their wishes. You can also buy short courses of 1, 3 or 5 lessons of music or singing.

There are groups and lines for students of all ages!

Loimaan Children’s Singers My choir
A choir open to all children in grades 1-4.
Teaching basic singing skills and respecting everyone’s opinions
and teaching everyone how to work together. No entrance exams. Application for the choir via

Practices from 29.8. on Thursdays from 17.45-17.45 at the City Hall, Ylistaronkatu 36. Tuition fee for non-music school children 40 e.

My choir concept
The aim of the My Choir is to promote singing, community and well-being among children and young people in Finland. The voice of Finnish culture has always been heard in song.

My Choir (in Finnish Mun Kuoro) activities highlight the versatility and well-being benefits of choral activities. Through My Choirs, choir activities are brought to as many children and young people as possible.

The network of choral conductors promotes cooperation, singing and group pedagogical skills and develops training in the field throughout Finland.

In the future, every child and young person will have the opportunity to learn to sing and sing with others if they so wish. Together, we are building a vibrant new singing culture in Finland with Mun Kuoro!

My Choirs are member choirs of the Youth Choir Association. More information at


Registration and fees

The enrolment period for the next academic year is in the spring from April to May, the date will be announced on the city’s website and social media channels and in the Loimaa newspaper.

For basic music studies, open studies, instrumental clubs and muskar, you can register electronically on the Eepos service, which displays open courses and studies. The Eepos service is also used to inform students and to manage their own information as a student.

New pupils are also admitted during the school year if there are places available.

There is a fee for studying at the Music School. Free places are granted for the academic year on economic and social grounds and must be applied for by 30 September. The tuition fees for the Music Academy are decided by the Loimaa City Board of Education.

Concerts and events

In addition to teaching music and singing, the Loimaa Region Music Institute organises dozens of concerts and music events every year in different parts of the Saviseu region. You are welcome to attend the performances, which are open to all!

See upcoming concerts on the Music and Dance School homepage.