Sports activity for older people

Exercise is important for people of all ages, but for older people it is vital. Appropriate physical activity maintains the ability to function in everyday life and enables people to live independently for as long as possible. Physical activity also has a positive impact on mood, memory and well-being, as well as providing social contacts.

For older people, the city offers, in addition to voluntary outdoor exercise, the possibility of water-based aquatic activities in the swimming pool Vesihovi. Water treadmills and other exercise equipment can be borrowed free of charge from the hall. If you prefer, you can choose a lighter water jump from the guided water jumps.

Other guided exercise groups suitable for older people include Wellbeing Exercises, Chair Jumps and Lavis Lava Dance®. In the gyms, we run regular beginners’ fitness classes.

Peer-to-Peer training in autumn 2024

The municipality of Pöytyä and the city of Loimaa are jointly organising a free PeerVeturi training as part of the Ikiliikkuja project.

VertaisVeturi is a sports peer counsellor who does not require professional skills, but has the knowledge and skills of an ordinary person.
The training is intended for people interested in volunteer and peer counselling in sport, for example, for counsellors working in sports activities in an association, or for people who want to become counsellors, as well as for relatives and friends.

The participants will meet a total of four times:

  • In Pöytyä at Elisenvaara Learning Centre (Kyröntie 16, 21800 Kyrö)
    Tuesday 27.8. and Thursday 29.8. at 12-16
  • Loimaa City Hall (Ylistaronkatu 36, 32200 Loimaa)
    Tuesday 3.9. and Thursday 5.9. at 12-16

More information and registration by 19.8:
Tarja Mäki tel. 040 571 8620,
Markus Salo tel. 040 054 7583,

The training is based on the Age Institute’s Strength and Balance Training for Older People (VoiTas) training programme.

Free sports groups

Group walks for Seniors

Autumn 2024 Tuesdays 20.8. from 13.00- 14.00.
Meeting in front of Hirvihovi, Kuusitie 1, 32210 Loimaa.

We go out together, go for a leisurely walk, do some jumping jacks and catch up with each other. Bring your own equipment. Walking poles can be borrowed from the instructor. Wear appropriate sports equipment and good, sturdy footwear. Frost limit – 15*C.
For more information, please contact: sports instructor Tarja Mäki tel. 040 571 8620.

Chair jumps

The aim of chair gymnastics is to increase mobility and keep big muscles strong and functional. Chair exercises are free of charge.

Hirvikoski, Kanta-Loimaan church-house
Monday at 10.30-11.15.

Haara, village house Pääskynpesä
Monday 13.30-14.15

Forest land, Rocky courtyard
Monday at 14.30-15.15.

City centre, Hometown
Wednesday 11.-11.45. Note new time!

Alastaro, Alastaro hall
Thursday at 14.-14.45. New group!

Niinijoki, Niinijoki school
Friday 13-13.45.

Applied physical activity (SoveLi)

Soveli means muscle, balance and mobility exercises on the chair and floor using equipment. You can bring your own equipment and a personal assistant. The groups are free of charge.

City Centre, Ylistaronkatu 36, gym
Wednesday 9-10 am. New time!

Hirvikoski, Hirvihovi gym
Friday 10-11.

Moving me study group

A new group is planned for the fall. More information later.

Registration: tarja.maki(at)
or phone 040 571 8620

Liikkuva me is a set of 7 meetings, the goal of which is to encourage elderly people who do not move much to increase their daily exercise and physical training.

Course topics, e.g. daily exercise, mobility testing, strength training at home and in the gym, balance training and fall prevention, strength for old age from food, outdoor activities and exercise choices alone and together. Each meeting includes an introduction by the instructor, a discussion, tasks and an exercise part. The study circle is free of charge.

Seasonal fee-paying sports groups

Exercise for well-being

Wellbeing is a movement that develops muscle tone, mobility and balance to music, with or without equipment. Seasonal fee 30 €, payments to the Vesihovi cashier.

Alastaro, Alastaro Hall
Monday 9-10 am

City Centre, Ylistaronkatu 36, gym
Tuesday 9-10 am. Note new time!

Moose Yard gym (block 1)
Thursday 9-10 am. New location!

Beginners’ course in fitness for older people Autumn 2024

Hirvihov Gym
Fridays 8.30-9.30, (from 23.8.24)

The course includes 8 guided sessions and 8 self-study sessions. Pre-registration for the course opens on 9.8.24 at 12.00. The group can accommodate up to 12 participants.
Registration at
Registration closes when the group is full. The price of the course is 30 €, with a senior card 15 € and is payable at the cash desk of the Vesihovi before the course starts.

Senior Circuit

Uusi ryhmä suunnitteilla syksylle. Lisätietoja myöhemmin.

Hirvihovin kuntosali
tiistai xx.yy alkaen klo 13.00 –14.00

Tunti kehittää aerobista kuntoa ja lihaskestävyyttä. Harjoittelu tehdään kiertoharjoitteluna. Tunti alkaa yhteisellä alkulämmittelyllä ja päättyy lyhyeen loppuvenyttelyyn. Tunti sopii, jos saliharjoittelu ja laitteet ovat ennestään tuttuja, sekä naisille että miehille. Kurssi pitää sisällään 8 ohjattua ja 8 omatoimista kertaa. Hinta 30 €, Seniorikortilla 15€.

Kurssille on ennakkoilmoittautuminen, joka aukeaa Xx.yy. klo 12.00.

Ilmoittautuminen sulkeutuu kun ryhmä on täynnä.
Lisätietoja: liikunnanohjaaja  Tiina Suokas p. 050 468 5982.

Tuolijumppaajia Heimolinnassa.
Chair gymnastics at Heimolinna Castle

Contact Information

Sports instructors:
Mäki Tarja tel. +358 40 571 8620
Suokas Tiina tel. +358 50 468 5982
Tytti Häyhä tel. +358 40 154 9676