Nature trails and routes


Known as “Little Lapland”, the Harjureitti, shared by four municipalities – Huittinen, Loimaan, Oripää and Säkylä – is located in the Säkylä Harju-Virtaankangas area. The varied terrain and stunning landscapes of the route offer nature lovers a place for year-round hiking and exercise.

Korkeusvuori nature trail

The Korkeusvuori nature trail in Kojonkulma, with its observation tower and barbecue area, is a great place for hiking. There is a short trail suitable for small children and a longer trail of about an hour’s walk. The Kettukallio hut is also located nearby. The starting point of the nature trail is found by turning from Kojonperäntie to Kuninkaistentie and following the signs.

Korkeusvuoren näkötorni Kojonkulmalla. Kalliomaasto ja kuiva kangasmetsä. Kuvassa myös retkeilijjäryhmä.

Krekilä Mylly Nature Trail

Near the KrekiläMill is the Myllyniemi nature trail, which offers the visitor an insight into the natural richness of the area and a fine view of the mill and pond.

Myllyniemen luontopolun portti.
Krekilän myllyn Myllyniemen luontopolku maisema.
Krekilän mylly, Myllyniemen luontopolulla.

Metsämaa nature trail

The Metsämaa nature trail is an approximately 8 km long nature trail in a varied hilly terrain, which can be accessed from the Kalliohovi, the hunting lodge, Paikkasuontie, Nahunmäki or Kurkisuontie above Pappila. The terrain along the nature trail varies; there are swamps, ridges, cliffs. Along the nature trail you will find the natural spring Aapel’s Prunni, located on a high ridge, and the Pauli Salminen Nature Reserve. The highest point on the trail is the cliff of Riutta, 134 metres above sea level. Near the hunting lodge there is a resting place, a shelter and a fireplace.

More information on recreational sites in Southwest Finland

Southwest Finland has a wealth of interesting routes and services that complement nature tourism. Use the link below to read more about the different destinations and services.

Recreation information in Southwest Finland