Frequently asked questions about business

I am starting a business. Where can I get help and advice on setting up a business? Contact the business advisers at Loimaa City Business Services. If you can’t reach us, the Enterprise Finland call centre will provide you with a multi-channel service. You can also check out the Enterprise Interpreter portal, where you will find lots of useful information on starting and developing a business.

Where can I get help and advice on a business plan and a business plan and profit and loss plan? Ask Loimaa Business Services for template templates for your business plan and financial and profitability calculations. You can also use the templates available from EnterpriseTulk.

Are business services only for start-ups? Business advisers and their network of advisers can advise on all aspects of entrepreneurship. throughout the lifecycle of your business.

Where can I get business services? We have a wide range of clients, from sole traders to limited companies. Start-up entrepreneurs are usually invited to our office, which is located in the Elinvoimatalo (Ahonkatu 1, Loimaa). We prefer to serve operating companies at the entrepreneur’s premises, so that any additional information that may be needed is conveniently at hand.

Should I make an appointment? Business advisers work on a mobile basis, so make sure you make an appointment by booking online in the first instance. You can also contact us by phone 050 3282 835 (Paula Avellán) or 050 4015 680 (Marianna Pajula) or by email

Is there a charge for business advice? Basic services are entrepreneurship and businesses are free of charge.

I don’t live in Loimaa, can I use your services? Business services are if your business is or will be located in Loimaa.

Where can I apply for start-up money? You can apply for discretionary start-up funding at the TE Office in Southwest Finland using an electronic or paper form.

Where can an entrepreneur get funding? There are many options and it is worth starting to explore funding as early as possible, whether you are starting a new business or developing an existing one. The funding package may include self-financing, loan financing (banks, Finnvera), public funding and business grants (ELY Centre and Business Finland) and venture capital (business angels and other venture capitalists).

As a member of the Entrepreneurs’ Association, you have access to a wide range of member services in many areas.