Great jobs in (Loi)maa

To work in Loimaa! Various options for work can be found in industry, the service sector and agriculture.

Loimaa is known for its companies and their products in Finland and abroad. Loimaa’s expertise is exported to hundreds of countries around the world, where products made in Loimaa are used on construction sites, in factories, in homes and in the living environment in cities and rural areas.

Career options can be found in thriving international industry, the broad private and public services sector and agriculture. In Loimaa, there are usually dozens of job vacancies in different sectors. Loimaa also offers good opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Loimaa’s central location and good transport connections make working life easier. Increasing teleworking also brings flexibility to work in Loimaa companies.

A successful international industry

Loimaa is known for its thriving international technology cluster. In addition to mechanical engineering, the region has particular expertise in production automation. Loimaa is home to international expertise, leaders in their field, pioneers and high-quality, high-value products. Loimaa’s export-driven industry is investing heavily and creating confidence in the future.

Working in Loimaa’s industrial companies gives you the chance to challenge and develop yourself both as an employee and as a production worker. You can work on gigs and projects all over the world. Or you can enjoy a clear routine on the production lines.

Pemamekin tehtaan tuotantotilat.

Diversified service sector

Loimaa is also a vibrant centre of the sub-region, with a diverse and wide range of services. Numerous public and private service providers offer a wide range of career options, including care, early childhood education and education, hundreds of specialist shops and markets in the retail sector, and expert, sales and customer service jobs in the service sector.

Major agriculture

Loimaa is an important production area for clean, locally produced Finnish food. The clay region, known as Finland’s bread basket, is also one of the country’s leading areas for the number of chickens and pigs. The agricultural machinery trade and maintenance are big employers. The food agency Evira has a seed inspection unit in Loimaa. In addition to full-time work and entrepreneurship, the agricultural sector also offers a variety of seasonal jobs.

Nainen traktorissa pellolla.

Opportunities for the entrepreneur

In Loimaa, cooperation between the city and entrepreneurs and a positive entrepreneurial atmosphere contribute to the vitality of the region. A comprehensive range of free support and advice services is available to entrepreneurs. New businesses are being set up and affordable, vacant premises and business plots are available in the city centre and urban areas.

Kuva Turuntien jalkakäytäville maalatuista räsymatoista.

From Loimaa to the world

  • automated welding and production solutions
  • automation in the wood and insulation industry
  • chain expertise
  • ventilation equipment
  • multipurpose dredgers
  • backhoe loaders
  • agricultural machinery
  • self propelled lift
  • environmental management machines
  • products for large animals
  • traditional and design parquet
  • Stone and stone products
  • refined products of used vegetable oil

Loimaa is one of the most important in its field

  • Manufacturer of the world’s largest laser hybrid welding machines
  • The market leader in environmental machinery
  • Developer and manufacturer of longline ventilation
  • Finland’s largest unemployment fund
  • Finland’s largest packer of domestic honey
  • Finland’s first official Harley Davidson dealer

Articles from Loimaan Lehti and RekryExpo, material from Loimaan Chamber of Commerce and Industry