Rural services

The Rural Services can be reached from the Elinvoimatalo at Ahonkatu 1. The office is located on the second floor. Entrance through the door on the right. Welcome to visit us!

Loimaa Rural Services performs the tasks of the rural economic authority in the areas of Humppila, Jokioinen, Loimaa, Oripää, Pöytyä and Ypäjä. Its clients are just under 1 300 farms with more than 89 000 ha of arable land.

The Rural Services office is generally open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Although some of the Rural Affairs Officers work on a rotating basis. If you want to meet a specific Rural Ombudsman, you should make sure you have an appointment in advance.

We also continue to provide telephone and email services.